Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures. What are policies and procedures? Well, to answer that question I’ll have to answer another one. Do… Like this:Like Loading...
Gifts and Guidance Wall have a thrust A Reason for being here on Planet Earth Like this:Like Loading...
Reality The reality is that all things change. If change is not directed, it will be random. Change = Direction =… Like this:Like Loading...
Lucifer Effect Lucifer does not create evil – it releases it. The system is a conglomeration of situations, people, hierarchies and roles…. Like this:Like Loading...
Competition Competition exists between social and situational forces to control behavior. It includes the concept of personal “transformation” from good to… Like this:Like Loading...
One Sound Idea One sound idea is all it that one needs to achieve success. Riches begin with a state of mind. A… Like this:Like Loading...