We are all spiritual pilgrims on our own spiritual journey. Our aim is to share with you the wisdom we have gained so far this lifetime to help show the way.
Exciting News!!
We are affiliated with Wayshowers College in the United States where we get all of our training in our spiritual work and the personal spiritual profiles that we do.
Simple, Basic Truths
Click on the link beside the image and listen to further information about the topic.
You are Energy

You are a soul, that has a body.
not a body that has a soul.
You have a Purpose
Your purpose is why you are here on planet earth.
You are not here for a vacation; you are not here to suffer.

You are Free

You can choose anything you want.
You are not free from the consequences of your decisions.
You are Unlimited
You can imagine anything you want.
Your soul part is free and unlimited. The body has limitations. You live in two worlds at the same time.

You have Guidance.

You are here training to become an angel yourself.
Planet Earth is Your School.
Some people call it a maze.

How You Feel is the Key to Your Success

You are here to enjoy every moment.
If you are not you are doing something wrong.