The basis of all healing is a change of what you believe about yourself. Once you realize that all of your discomfort comes from what you choose to believe you will start policing your thoughts so they are more positive and self-supporting.
Your thoughts build you or tear you down. Your thoughts keep you healthy or make you sick. Your subconscious mind created your body and knows how to heal it. Your subconscious mind reacts to your thoughts and creates the world you live in. Once you allow your thoughts to rule your world it is difficult to get back your own control. Your intellect wants to be in control. It is your intellect that is afraid of death.

The real you can never die. The real you knows it can never die. But your fear of death is real, or at least you think it is real. To your thinking part the fear of death is real. Your intellect has a life span. Your intellect is needed while you have a body on planet earth. When you graduate and become a free soul again, your intellect is no longer needed. It has no use in the universe. Therefore when you die, it is your intellect that dies. It dies because you no longer need it. When and if you choose to return to planet earth, you will get a new intellect. You start with a clean slate – but not completely,
There are memories of things you have learned in past lives. Not conscious memories, but memories of what happened and the results. Maybe you were burnt at a stake for being a witch so you are afraid of sharing your truth. Maybe you were trapped in a mine and died, so you are afraid of the dark. Maybe you drowned so have a fear of water. Or maybe you were killed while traveling, so you get motion sickness.
There are as many reasons for having fears as there are fears to have. Finding out the source of a fear, allows one the opportunity to choose not to feel it again. Until you become aware of its reality you are caught by it.