In this time when we may not be able to hug those we love, or at least not as often or as deeply as we would like, I wanted to share a spiritual option I am using.
   I am sharing it now, so you will have this option for the Holidays. It WILL work if you are unable to be together with all your loved ones this Thanksgiving. It also works when you are together, but want a safer option than handshakes and hugs.
   Being able to practice between now and Thanksgiving will give you the ability to do it naturally, automatically,  and Fully by the Holidays.
The Soul-Hug Technique (copyright 2020, Pete A. Sanders Jr.).
1 Remember the best/deepest hug you have ever shared with a Loved One.
(feel it, visiualize it, know the depth of connection it had)
2. Holding that in mind, Soul-shift.
3. Then, from that Soul Level extend your FULL Aura (Body & Soul).
4. Envelop the Loved One you want to cherish with a hug of your Soul Energy.
(You can also envelop them with your Aura arms)
5. Again, bring to mind the best/deepest hug you have ever shared with them.
6. As you do, also let the Spark of the Divine Energy flow thru you to them.
7. Note: That not only gives them (and you) a recharge from that Universal Love Energy,
it also creates a positive flow that protects you from picking any negativity they are handling.
   If you are in the presence of the person, you can hold your hands together in front of you.
(That gesture is one used by both Christian and Eastern Faiths as a sign of reference & love)
Note: Instead of pressing the palms completely together, hold them slightly apart and let the flow of love energy also extend from your heart to them.
   This technique not only works for Loved Ones that are alive (either in person, or sent remotely to those far away), it also works for sending a loving/cherishing hug to those who have passed on.
   The 13-14 Feb. 2021 “Limitless Love” Valentine’s and President’s Day Weekend Sedona Retreat WILL share additional advanced aspects for connection to those who are beyond AND back in time to yourself for healing past hurts that are obscuring your ability to FULY Love (Love Yourself, Love Life, and Love Family and Love Partners).
   Again, I recommend practicing this technique in the coming weeks, so that it is easy, natural, and automatic when the Holidays arrive.
Sending you a Soul Hug. Love,
Pete Sanders
President/Founder of Free Soul

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