Spiritual Truths OVERVIEW OF SPIRITUAL TRUTHS We all have a basic need for Truth. We all have a basic need for Spiritual Truth. There is Truth in… Like this:Like Loading...
The universe is your home Planet earth is a school. The currency of the universe is wisdom. You gain wisdom by investing your time and your energy in yourself. You… Like this:Like Loading...
It’s good to be relaxed What an interesting talk and reason to stay relaxed and look upon life as a series of challenges rather than problems. Take a look at… Like this:Like Loading...
Why Spiritual Pilgrim? We live in two world at the same time: Spiritual and Physical. Actually we are multi-dimensional beings. We just are not so aware of the… Like this:Like Loading...
The Real You You are a soul with a physical body. You always have been, and you will always will be. Your soul, or energy, is the real… Like this:Like Loading...