DO MY CONCEPTS MAKE ME?If I’m too smart I will manipulate myself.Who would I be if I let go of my concepts?How much peace and freedom do I have in my situations?Like this:Like Loading...
Discipline Discipline is the ability to focus your energy on your goals. Having inner discipline shows that you respect yourself. If… Like this:Like Loading...
Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures. What are policies and procedures? Well, to answer that question I’ll have to answer another one. Do… Like this:Like Loading...
Your Home Your body is made up of the things of earth right now, but the real you, the soul, is part… Like this:Like Loading...
The Real You The full impact of The Real You is in allowing the wisdom to absorb into your beingness. Read each page… Like this:Like Loading...
Spiritual-Pilgrim Discover your True Feelings – The Real You Have you ever felt guided or inspired? Have you ever felt goosebumps?… Like this:Like Loading...
Many people Many people believe that life on Planet Earth is confusing. This is definitely true (for many) if they do not… Like this:Like Loading...