Without eyes you can see. Without ears you can hear. Without a physical body you can feel.
◆There is the intuitive person who will pick up a thought and hear it. The intuitive is sometimes considered to be “mental” or “clairvoyant.” Understanding is very important to this type.
◆There is the visionary who will pick up a thought and see it. This type sees visions, symbols, colors, etc. in the mind’s eye transforming the thought into an image. The visionary is sometimes considered to be clairvoyant.
◆There is the prophetic person who receives a thought as a knowing. This type quickly grasps the “total” concept or idea and has no interest in breaking it down intellectually. The prophetic is usually sensitive to precognition and their hunches, dreams and knowings have much to do not only with the future or the present, but how it affects others.
◆There is the one who picks up a thought and translates it into a feeling. This individual’s whole response to life depends upon how it feels to him. The feeling type’s sense of touch is extremely well-developed and he/she can feel (sense) what other people are feeling.
Each of us lives primarily by one of these personality types and partially by the other three. Once we understand this, we can begin to understand ourselves and those around us to a greater extent. There is a considerably expanded explanation of how these primary personality types function in Dr. Coll’s book, “Man and the Universe.”