Where to start? When you were born? Before you were born? Back to Adam and Eve? The beginning of time?


How big of a picture do we want to look at? Let’s start at the beginning.

One of the basic problems in explaining life is determining what it is. What are the facts of life?

Better yet, what is a fact?

Facts are the basics. Water is wet, Fire is hot. Up is away from the center of the Earth and down is toward the center of the Earth.

We live in two worlds. Are there two different sets of facts?

You bet there is.

We live in two different worlds. Each with its own parameters, limitations and reason for being.

Our Material World is our life on planet Earth. It began when we were born and ends when we die. Typically, a span of approximately 100 years-give or take. It has things to measure time, distance, weight, age, etc.

The Spiritual World has very few limitations. It has always existed. It actually has no limitations-nothing to measure. A dream can seem like a lifetime but only last a few seconds. Some people call the unconscious the dream world.

The whole universe is part of the Material World. When we die we don’t drift off into space-to a heaven beyond a cloud or to a hell in a fiery cave. It doesn’t exist-except in our imaginations-which is the Spiritual World. Yet we may think it is real; i.e. a part of the Material World.

Are there stars in the Spirit World? When you close your eyes, you are in the Spiritual World. Do you see any stars? When you go outside at night and look at the night sky you see stars. When you close your eyes where do they go?

It’s not that they have ceased to exist, but the perception of them has. It’s like when we go to a movie. When we’re in the theatre we watch the movie-the Material World. When the movie is over, we exit the theatre and enter the Spiritual World. The movie still exists, but we are not part of that drama anymore.

Life can be compared to a movie. It is a convenient way to think of it. It has a plot, players, scenery and acts. Everyone has their own script, their own stage directions, their own entrances, exits, scenes, costumes, etc.

All these are part of the Spiritual World. The Material World is like the theatre, the building that is just there. It just exists. It sits there until someone enters and turns the lights on.

I leave the theatre every night when I go to sleep. I enter the theatre every morning when I wake up.

Actors rehearsing on stage in an empty theater, viewed from above.

“All the world is a stage…” Shakespeare

So I’m not making this up. This is not my original thought.

Where does the confusion come in?

Everyone in the theatre has their own script.

It’s like a busy downtown business center. Everyone is going somewhere else. All in a hurry or late. All thinking about something else or wishing they could be somewhere else, or someone else.

Life is a hustle, bustle. Even people who have lived together for 20/30 years often do not know each other-they don’t know each other’s script.

Everyone keeps their script hidden. Everyone is playing with a poker face-keeping their cards close to their chest. Don’t let anyone see your script; you become vulnerable if you do. Most of us are not conscious of our script, it’s been smothered by other ‘more important’ scripts. In fact, most of us don’t know what our script is-the reason it’s kept secret is we don’t know what it is ourselves.

Most of us are using a script that’s been handed to us by Society, by Religion or by Science.

Religions tells us what is right or wrong. “Go and sin no more.”

Science tells us what is good or bad. “Don’t eat that you’ll get sick.”

Society tells us what is mine or not mine. Deeds, contracts, agreements.

These are all part of life. But is it your life? Is it your script?

Everyone has their own script. And we’ve all been handed scripts that we think we need to fulfill. We all have a family script, a career script, and a fun script, among others. And we each have our own personal script. Completely and uniquely our own.

Remember, the Material World starts when you are born. The movie-your script- was written in the Spiritual World. Before you were born. The Spiritual World existed long before the movie started playing and will exist after the movie is over.

Theatres have owners. You can call the theatre owner God if you like. I prefer to simply call it Spirit. Spirit owns the theatre. Spirit is the theatre. Remember in the Spiritual World there are no limitations. A little different than life on planet Earth. No one has really explained the Spirit World it takes a little getting used to.

So in the theatre, which is like a business, movies are playing, people are buying tickets, eating popcorn, etc. There is scheduling – previews of coming events. The play must go on. And that requires planning. Every event in a theatre is planned. The events in our lives just happen, but we do direct them to some extent. We can pick who we want to marry, our career, what car we want to own, what to eat, etc.

We do have some autonomy.

But we are given a bunch of scripts as well. Science, Religion and Society hand them out freely. A lot of them don’t agree with each other. There are scheduling conflicts, promotion differences and performance squabbles.

Only one script can play at a time and there are many scripts. How do we chose which script to play?

Let’s simplify.

Let’s say there are four scripts at any one time: Science, Religion, Society and Mine.

Science, Religion and Society have the jump on the game. They know their script. It’s printed out in books. And you can read them: How-to’s, the Bible and Self-help, etc.

Where is my book? Where is my script? The title would be my name. What is the subtitle? Taxpayer? Business executive?

Did I come to this theater to be a bit player in someone else’s script or did I come to be the star of my own script?

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