Trust The only thing you can trust , believe in and rely on is your self, your own thoughts, and your… Like this:Like Loading...
Lucifer Effect Lucifer does not create evil – it releases it. The system is a conglomeration of situations, people, hierarchies and roles…. Like this:Like Loading...
Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures. What are policies and procedures? Well, to answer that question I’ll have to answer another one. Do… Like this:Like Loading...
Why Spiritual Pilgrim? We live in two world at the same time: Spiritual and Physical. Actually we are multi-dimensional beings. We just are… Like this:Like Loading...
Society We are here on Planet Earth to learn and grow spiritually and have chosen this particular school of learning. Society… Like this:Like Loading...
Calm Be Calm and Open Our Angels are wanting to communicate with you all the time. You need to learn to… Like this:Like Loading...