I am here to free myself and people.How free do I want to be?I step beyond my old habits. I am free. I am loyal to myself. I live without suffering or fear. How free can I be?Like this:Like Loading...
Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures. What are policies and procedures? Well, to answer that question I’ll have to answer another one. Do… Like this:Like Loading...
Learn and grow I am here to learn and grow. Everyone is at a different level in their learning. There is no reason… Like this:Like Loading...
Reality The reality is that all things change. If change is not directed, it will be random. Change = Direction =… Like this:Like Loading...
Gifts and Guidance Wall have a thrust A Reason for being here on Planet Earth Like this:Like Loading...
Today’s words I am a Professional Spiritual Educator. I share my love and wisdom as a Professional Spiritual Entrepreneur. Like this:Like Loading...
Love and business If love is giving without expectations and being in business means I charge for my time. How can I be… Like this:Like Loading...