What can the Spiritual Mentoring Program do for you?
Personalized training to become the Real You.
- Clarify the programming of your first seven years
- Understand what it means to be a spirit in a physical body and how to make it practical
- Identify the difference between your emotions and your feelings.
- Pinpoint what your thrust means and how to implement it in your daily life
- Strengthen your communication with your team of inner guidance
- Move into the deep current flow of your life
- Learn to recognize and release confusion, doubt and procrastination
Step up to the reality of life
You are a soul that has a body
The Spiritual Mentoring Program can do nothing for you. You have to do it yourself.
What the SMP program can do is:
- be a guide
- share tools and techniques
- answer your questions
- help you find your own truth
- help you organize your direction
What is required?
Sincerity – you must truly want to change
“Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.”
You must be willing to in vest in yourself, both with time and money
“There is no free lunch.”
You need to be willing to be involved, to be obedient you your inner feelings and your Inner Guidance.
This isn’t a road show for your entertainment.
Change is not easy.
The moment you began to think about changing all your friends tried to find ways to discourage, distract and derail your progress. Be prepared to make new friends and leave some old ones behind. Not all friends have physical bodies and not all old friends are bad.
What is a mentor?
A mentor
- is an experienced and trusted spiritual guide in a physical body
- provides guidance, suggestions, feedback and support
- is willing to invest time and energy to be of service
- builds a relationship of trust and respect.