Spiritual-Pilgrim Module 1
Module 1
Showing 1–12 of 13 results
Find out about the business of yourself. Clarify the effects of the maze with people or the environment and devise specific solutions for living affluently. Understand how you flow through the Feel-Think-Act and identify the strengths and pitfalls of you communication and find solutions from tuning into their thrust.
In this profile you will search into your Astro-Gift of Feeling and how it relates to the areas of health worries and relaxation, indulgence and common sense.
Astro-Gift of Prophecy Profile
Prerequisites: 1001: Orientation Profile, 1002-A: Blockage Discover Profile.
Recommended: 1002-B: The Policies and Procedures of Life Profile.
Learn some of the ways in which you learned to miscommunicate in your gift of Intuition.
Get a clear picture with eight concepts on how well you are managing your life at this time. Obtain your personal star showing your unfoldment in these eight areas.
In this profile, you will receive the number of spiritual helpers you are working with this lifetime.
Your spiritual energy right now is checked out; how spiritually sensitive you are, negative and positive energy and uncommitted energy as percentages and any outside pressures.
You will learn a technique to ask your guides a question and get an answer instantly.
In this profile, you will receive the order of your spiritual gifts or perceptions, that is, which is 1st, 2nd etc. Your first is your main means of communication; how you receive your first impressions. The process of how this order works for you is unique to you. How it works for you is explained in the session.
There is an explanation sheet of all four perceptions is included.
In this profile you can learn more about your team of angels on a more personal level. Where they lived in their last incarnation, what they did, and most importantly what they can help you learn.
It’s important to realise your angels are not here to do anything for you that you can do yourself. They are here to help you clarify your direction for your stay on planet earth, and to help you realise your true potential and start sharing your abundance.
Expand your awareness of your angels or inner guidance, especially in relation to your life thrust. By learning more specific information on the background of your guidance, you can enhance your own life with more meaningful direction. This profile goes into greater detail about your relationship with your guidance in the perspective of your lifetime experience.
In this private consultation you will identify patterns in your life that are holding you back from fulfilment and success. These patterns are usually the result of experiences you had in early life which you did not understand at the time.
You will discover ways to live your life more clearly based on your own true feelings rather than by interpretations you were taught to accept and you will discover inner spiritual freedom.