DirectionKeyword sentence:I stay ahead of the confusion with peace in my heart. Where am I going? Where am I leading people?What do I really want?Like this:Like Loading...
Why Spiritual Pilgrim? We live in two world at the same time: Spiritual and Physical. Actually we are multi-dimensional beings. We just are… Like this:Like Loading...
Communication Do not simply read this. If that is all you are going to do, don’t waste your time. This is… Like this:Like Loading...
Spiritual Truths OVERVIEW OF SPIRITUAL TRUTHS We all have a basic need for Truth. We all have a basic need for Spiritual… Like this:Like Loading...
Free Will Everyone has free will.Everyone is here on planet earth to learn and grow.Most everyone has to go through many lifetimes… Like this:Like Loading...
Think and Grow Rich Determine to get what you want. It is what you decide that counts. Determine to remain ready until you get… Like this:Like Loading...
How does it work? Discover your true feelings, the Real You. It is not as easy as might think; But it is not impossible…. Like this:Like Loading...