Pathways to Inner Freedom
A Unique Experience in Personal Growth for Challenging Times
Activate your Intuitive Abilities with Guest Speaker: Tiger Coll
Introductory Lecture:
A 60 – 90 minute orientation lecture which gives an overview of: –
You are a soul, energy –
Balance of thought and feeling –
Science, Religion and Society –
Inner guidance and your plan –
Communication systems, and more…
Avebury House
15 October 7-8:30pm
20 October 7-8:30pm

Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom Workshops
Part I – Loyalties
Part II – Choices
There are two 3 hour Workshops called “Embracing your Spiritual Freedom” Workshop
Part I is Loyalties and Workshop
Part II is Choices.
You can attend one or the other, however, you will appreciate gaining more from attending both.
- Find out what are your loyalties and how are they affected by your motives, your agenda
- Experience how to direct your energy, look at your wants and needs, by pass the trivia
- Tap into your soul consciousness: how are you unique, feel your energy, the real you
- Look at your choices as stepping stones, what have you learned
- Tap into your sea of tranquility, your niche
- Utilise your communication systems of Prophecy, Vision, Intuition and Feeling
- Work with your inner guidance, natural instincts, Feel – Think – Act
Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom Workshop Part I – LOYALTIES
Gain a new perspective of the difference between the real you and your physical body
Align to your purpose on earth and see how you have all the help you need to achieve it
Learn to tune into inner guidance and know when spirit is close to you
Discover ways to discern your own thoughts and feelings from the thoughts and feelings of those around you
Find how to make decisions based on your loyalty to yourself and how you can trust this
Feel inner security of what it is like to be at peace and live in freedom
Learn and experience these techniques:
- Feel your own energy
- Clearing of the mind and soul to stay relaxed in every situation
- Clearing your environment
- Release pressure from outside influences, people and places
- Take an Astro-Trip to the source to feel how free and unlimited you are
Duration: 3 hours
Fee: Check the location for fee in your area
Payments: PayPal or Bank Transfer through the registration link below
Pre-requisite: Finding Your Inner Freedom Lecture
Avebury House
17 October 7-10pm
22 October 7-10pm
Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom Workshop Part II – CHOICES
Find the difference between your intellectual and feeling natures to find fulfillment
Learn where your inspirations and motivation come from
Discover what your niche in life feels like
Tune into the feeling of the plan you made before coming to planet earth
Gain insights into what happens when you pass on
Learn how to direct your energy to find inner freedom
Learn and experience these techniques:
- Tuning into your true feelings
- Chanel a pivot for each day
- Spiritual Healing to release fears you have taken on
- Inner tranquility meditation technique
- Find your natural rhythm and style of communication
- Magnetize your future for what you want in the year ahead
Duration: 3 hours
Fee: Check the location for fee in your area
Payments: PayPal or Bank Transfer through the registration link below
Pre-requisite: Finding Your Inner Freedom Lecture, Workshop Part I is recommended