The “Inner Guidance and My Spiritual Thrust” Profile


In this profile you can learn more about your team of angels on a more personal level. Where they lived in their last incarnation, what they did, and most importantly what they can help you learn.

It’s important to realise your angels are not here to do anything for you that you can do yourself. They are here to help you clarify your direction for your stay on planet earth, and to help you realise your true potential and start sharing your abundance.

Expand your awareness of your angels or inner guidance, especially in relation to your life thrust. By learning more specific information on the background of your guidance, you can enhance your own life with more meaningful direction. This profile goes into greater detail about your relationship with your guidance in the perspective of your lifetime experience.


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7004: The “Inner Guidance and My Spiritual Thrust” Profile

This consultation takes at least an hour and a half.

Prerequisite: 1001: Orientation Profile.

Email: to arrange an appointment.


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