Percentage of Balance in Chakra System


Clarify the relationship between the spiritual and physical natures of your life. It covers the seven spiritual energy centers which help you understand the flow of energy through each chakra.

You will learn about the seven chakras and the concepts that affect them. You will find out the percentages of energy that flow through each chakra and receive a therapy on the chakra with the most tension.

You will also learn a technique that will help you open all your chakras.

Discern how the pressures of the maze are affecting your health.

This is life changing in that it gives a new perspective to health – if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.

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1003-A: Percentage of Balance in Chakra System

You have 100% Posititve energy available to you all the time. Get a total picture of what you are doing with your energy.

The Glandular System consists of a number of glands that produce secretion into the blood stream essential for the healthy functioning of the body.

The glands and areas affected are:

  1. Pineal –  Self-acceptance.
  2. Coccyx – Wants
  3. Reproductive Glands – Needs
  4. Solar Plexus – Identification
  5. Heart – Incentive
  6. Thyroid – Relating
  7. Pituitary – Outflow

Time: One hour.

Prerequisites: 1001: Orientation Profile, 1002-B: The Blockage Discovery Profile.

  1. Email: to arrange an appointment.


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