Tomas and Jan in Venice
Tomas and Jan in Venice



Start a new chapter in your journal called Energy. Visit this lesson for the next 6 days and write a new keyword, sentence and answers to the regrouping questions. At the end, write a paragraph or two of what you have learned about your Energy.


Cleanse and get a keyword for what you can gain from this facet.

Keyword Sentence

Now put this keyword into a sentence or two. Write it in your journal.


“You are not a body. You have a body. The ‘real you’, the one and only ‘true you’ is your spirit. This is what lives forever…”

Dolores Cannon The Convoluted Universe. Book 3

Write down any insights.

Meditation 2

“I am not my body. I am not even my mind.”



You are energy. You cannot be created or destroyed because you always were and always will be. This is the reality of the universe in which you exist. What you think will not change that.

You are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. Your body is your vehicle. It is your temporary anchor for your soul, which keeps you on planet earth so you can learn and grow while you are here.

The soul – the Real You – is energy. You could say you are an intelligent light of varying frequencies and amplitudes. You are like a radio, constantly sending and receiving vibrations. You can feel your own vibration or aura by this simple technique:

Clink on this link:

Cleansing Technique

As energy it is important to be compact and cleansed. Being compact and living in the moment, ie. not worrying about the past or the future, enables you to stay more relaxed and enjoy what you are doing. Spiritual Cleansing is the foundation for your spiritual growth.

  • Cleansing clears your aura and raises your energy to a higher vibration.
  • Cleansing helps smooth your aura so you feel more relaxed and grounded.
  • Cleansing enables you to tune into your higher self more easily – the Real You.

It also strengthens your aura which becomes a stronger buffer against any negative thoughts or emotions.

It is important to cleanse often in order to access 100% positive energy all the time. It is also important to make cleansing a daily routine, especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night. This sets your energy for the day’s experiences and for your dreams.

The more you cleanse the more you can experience the benefits of positive energy because everything is energy. Everything has a vibration. Whether you realize it or not you are constantly sensing energy and can be affected by the energies around you.


Have you ever had a feeling to follow through on something but didn’t? And then that feeling turned out to be true?

Have you ever met someone and either had an instant like or dislike for no apparent reason?

What are your personal thoughts now about energy?


What have you learned about energy?

How can you make cleansing practical in your daily life?

How did your key word relate to what you learned?

Did you achieve your goal?

Is there anything you would do differently next time?


Tomas is a certified Reconnective Healing practitioner. This is a healing modality that can be experienced long distance.

“Reconnective Healing® is a return to an optimal state of balance that results from interacting with its fully comprehensive spectrum of frequencies consisting of Energy,”

Dr. Eric Pearl

Email Tomas to make an appointment at

Thank you for your efforts so far. Facet 2 is on Past Lives.

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